Friday, January 9, 2009

Off to Colorado Springs!

On Sunday we will be going to Colorado Springs for our eMi training. I didn't realize how hard it would be to prepare for our big trip to the Philippines with a smaller trip just two weeks before.
I (Josh) have realized how hard it will be to leave our kids for nine days. It has always been a hard thing for Brita but she hasn't spent more than 2 days away from Dan, Clara, or Paul. I have been gone for 12 days in the Philippines but for some reason this is harder for me with both of us gone. It will be great for the kids to spend time with their grandparents before we go. I think it will be the equivalent of an Iron man competition for the grandparents. Just the buckle, unbuckle event is a challenge. That is not as hard as the winter hat, gloves, boots, snow pants, potty, snow pants again event, or the ever draining bedtime routine. They are wonderful grandparents and will probably sail through it, with a double latte every 4 hours:).

Brit has been working non-stop to packing. The kids need to be packed for nine days at two sets of grandparents and we need to be packed for our time in Colorado. All the while she is trying to get packing for the Philippines. She is doing a great job and has had some helpers too. Instead of taking regular luggage we are packing Rubber made action packers. They are tough and have a locking top, so they should work great. The kids love to play in them and add all kinds of toys.

We sent our visa applications off today. I found out one night last week at 11pm, that even though you can get a 6 month visa, you can only stay for 59 days! So the options are to leave the country and return again every 59th day, which is a little harder on an island, or go into Manila and request an extension for 59 days. The extension costs around 4,000 pesos which is about $84 per person. So that equates to $410 every 2 months. Aggh! Oh well, I think if this is our biggest hurtle on our trip we'll be doing great.
Our list we keep of things to do is getting larger rather than smaller but a few of the majors are done. Shots, overseas medical insurance, tickets, visas (almost), getting the other engineer lined out at work, house sitters, and first aid kit are some of the big accomplishments so far.
Brit and I are very excited to have some time together before we go on the big trip. The training will be great too. We will learn about how to deal with culture shock, over seas finances, and lots of other stuff. It will also be great to meet some of the engineers and architect that work at eMi. I will be in communication with them through out the construction. They will be a huge asset!
Well it is back to packing for our flight tomorrow morning!
In Him,


  1. Good Luck!! Hope the trip goes good and the grandparents (and kids) survive:) We can't wait to hear all about it. We are praying for you!!

  2. May God richly bless your time in Colorado and you and Brita enjoy some adult time! The grandparents obviously did a great job when they were parents, so the kids will be fine. Pray you all draw closer to Him and each other during this time and learn all you need to before the big departure.
