Monday, March 2, 2009

A walk to Church with Paul

Down the stairs from our second story apartment

Up the stairs to the gate

Through the gate and on the the church's property

Paul just out side of the gate and by some big leaves

Through the little hedge and across the lawn to the sidewalk

Down the side walk to the steps

Across the basketball court were Daddy plays basketball

At Sunday School being held by Mama Shayla (It is the first and only time he let one of the Mamas here hold him!)

Through the court yard of the Christian Academy School

Meeting some new friends along the way - Pastor Ike and Ate Claris's children Leonard and Ira.

And we made it to Church! Christ to the Philippines Sampoloc


  1. This was so cute! It gave me a feel for everyday things about where you are.

    Karen B.

  2. Precious...great idea and Paul looks so proud!

  3. So glad to see him walking.....
