Saturday, June 27, 2009

House Construction

Ate Fe in the partially finished house.

The hole for the septic tank.
Digging out the driveway in the rain.

It has a roof!

Josh standing in the muddy driveway in his new mud boots.

Pouring the concrete floor in the kitchen of Ate Fe's house.

Ate Fe requested that this be written on her front door.
"This House Will Magnify the Lord Forever!"

Looking strait through the kitchen into the CR (bathroom).

The luxury of a bathtub!

Construction mess in the kitchen.

Concrete counter tops!
Unfortunately Josh has been so, so busy with the construction. Too busy to do a detailed post about the construction. He says he will do one soon. I always feel bad when I do a post about construction because I can't give a good detailed account. I suppose it is better for Josh to be focusing on the construction and not the blog, though!
Clara and I have been sick for four days now. It has been a while since I have been this sick. I had a day of temperatures above 102 F. Wow is that miserable. It gave me more compassion for Clara, though. She was hovering around 103 F for quite a while. I think that we are both heading out of it at this point. Dan is just starting! I am hoping that I feel a lot better soon so that I can care for him. It has been particularly hard on Josh as he works hard all day and then comes home and cares for the children. He has been amazing.
Thank you all for your continued prayer support! The contractor Philip Secat is leaving soon, so Josh will be working with a few local men to wrap things up. A small work team of three are coming from Australia tomorrow. We are very excited to meet them and work with them. I hope we don't give them our sickness!

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