Thursday, April 16, 2009

From Paper Plans to Pouring Mud

Hello everyone! We have been so busy with the construction! Josh has been working six days a week and long hours. You will have to excuse my terminology since I am not the engineer but I will try to describe what has happened so far. Almost all the trenches have been dug for the footings for the wall in the back of the property and the front of the property. Footings have been poured in the back and they have begun to build the wall. They are plastering the wall that is up. Josh has been making sure that everything is built as close to the plans as possible. The reality of building here is not the same as the hope of it on paper. It is hard to build a perfect wall when each cinder block is not square and most of them are chipped! Josh is busy with purchasing materials, recording where the materials go, and inspecting the work. It may not sound like too much but each of those things could keep him busy full time. I think he feels like he is doing way too many things and each one of them poorly. But he really is doing a great job. The construction started with about 35 workers but they have cut back to around 25. It was moving so fast that Josh could not keep up and too many things were going wrong. It was hard when they cut back on men because they need the work. Some of them have not had a job in several years. It is a hard balance between providing jobs and also making sure that the quality is high. Nothing seems to be easy here. Josh was hoping that the contractor would start with less men and then work up to having more but it seems he did the opposite.

There was a meeting of the board of directors here and everyone seemed pleased with the work done so far. We also had an official ground breaking ceremony on the same day. Construction had already began but it was important to have the board members here. It was attended by the local International Lions Club members. There is an application in to the Lions Club to recieve funds to build the planned medical clinic. Below is a picture from the ceremony.

The excavation runs up a sleep slope and has to be stair stepped up to the top. Its hard to tell, but this about an 18-20' elevation change from the bottom to the top.

Same excavation, but looking from the top with the formworks in.

This has been dubbed "the bucket brigade". No pump trucks here, just handing buckets off for hours at a time! Incredible workers.

The many uses of cinder blocks!

Part of the steel for the back retaining wall section.

Plastering the wall.

Here are a few pictures of the preparation for the retaining wall along the front of the property.
Josh got some "help" taking measurements one day. The kids sure enjoyed it. We are thankful that Josh does get a break in the action every once in a while!

Formwork for an opening to let a small stream flow through the wall.

We are excited the work is progressing. Thank you for all of your prayers and support. We do miss you and we are excited to talk to you all face to face in a few months! It is amazing to think what life could be brought to this area in the next few years! A chance to really reach out to the children of this area and give them hope.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting all of these! It is incredible! Somehow I still imagined a more minor project. This is serious business! We will step up the praying for all to go well and everyone to stay safe. We miss you much. Love, the Andersons
