Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tropical Storm Chan-Hom

Tropical Storm: Storm-Centered Satellite Image : Weather Underground

Well it looks like we are expecting a storm. If you would like to know more details about the storm go to the website above. It shows predictions and radar images, etc. We will most likely experience wind, rain, and a power outage. Since we are at the top of a mountain we are not expecting flooding. However, we would like to ask for prayers that the storm will not damage any of the project and that we do not loose power for too long.

It looks like the storm will not be a hurricane when it makes landfall and that it will be focused to the north of us.

Thank you for all of your prayers for us!

1 comment:

  1. We are praying and let us know how you came through!!! love you, mom
    Great seeing you and the kids on Skype last night!
