Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Typhoon Chan-Hom

We had some rain last night and this morning but nothing major. Right now it is not raining, overcast and slightly breezy. We are continuing to pray that this storm will not cause major damage to the project. More importantly, we are praying that in the northern part of Luzon where the storm will be worse, that there will not be loss of life.

The concern for the project is that the steep walls of the deep trench will cave in and bury all of the rebar that is in place for the next pour. If the rains are heavy the men will not be working so we are not concerned that anyone would be hurt if it does collapse. It would be a huge mess and set us back considerably.

The typhoon is supposed to be down graded to a tropical storm shortly. I have to admit that there is part of me that enjoys big storms. It is hard not to be excited for it. Of course I have never experienced much beyond a Montana thunderstorm. Anyway, we will keep you updated.

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